8#include "backend/config.h"
Computation of advection, gradients and divergences.
object for computation of Poisson bracket
Classes for poloidal and toroidal average computations.
Classes for poloidal and toroidal average computations.
Convenience functions to create 2D derivatives on X-point topology.
General negative elliptic operators.
Function discretization routines on X-point topology.
contains Helmholtz and Maxwell operators
1D, 2D and 3D interpolation matrix creation functions on X-point topology
convenience mpi init functions
contains multistep explicit& implicit ODE-integrators
Creation of projection matrices for X point topology.
contains an elliptic method on a refined grid
Runge-Kutta explicit ODE-integrators.
Equidistant time-integrator.
Creation functions for integration weights and their inverse on X-point topology.