Matrix free solvers#

Elliptic equation#

We here study the general two-dimensional elliptic equation

(1)#\[\begin{align} -\nabla\cdot( \chi \nabla_\perp \phi) = \rho \end{align}\]

which in a two-dimensional Cartesian grid reads

(2)#\[\begin{align} -\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left( \chi(x,y) \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \phi(x,y)\right) - \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \left( \chi(x,y) \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \phi(x,y)\right) = \rho(x,y) \label{eq:elliptic2d} \end{align}\]

The task is to find a solution for \(\phi\) for given \(\rho\) and \(\chi\).


We use discontinuous Galerkin (dG) methods to discretize

(3)#\[\begin{align} \partial_x \rightarrow D_x \end{align}\]

where \(D_x\) is a block-sparse matrix. We then have

(4)#\[\begin{align} M \phi &= \rho \label{eq:matrix} \\ M &= D_x^T \chi D_x + D_y^T \chi D_y + J \end{align}\]

We here see that \(M\) is self-adjoint, which means that we can use a conjugate gradient (CG) solver.


// Pseudo-code:
Grid g;
Matrix dx = create_dx (g, bcx), dy = create_dy(g, bcy), j = create_jump();
DiagMatrix diag_chi = create_from_given_vector(chi);
// assembly of M requires four matrix-matrix multiplications and 2 additions
Matrix M = dx.transpose()*diag_chi*dx + dy.transpose()*diag_chi*dy + j;
// Now solve with CG
CG cg;
Vector phi = discretize_phi(g), rho = discretize_rho(g);
cg.solve( M, phi, rho, eps = 1e-8);
  • In order to assemble \(M\) four matrix-matrix multiplcations need to be performed

  • This takes longer than the entire CG solve, at least in our initial tests (admittedly 10 years ago)

Solution: matrix - free solvers#


A matrix-free solver is any solver for \(M x = b\) that does not require access to the elements of the matrix \(M_{ij}\)

Matrix-free solvers are thus a subclass of available solvers

Examples of solvers that are matrix-free:

  • All Krylov-subspace solvers are matrix-free. E.g. conjugate gradient (CG), LGMRES, BICG, etc.

  • Fixed point iterations

  • Chebyshev iteration

Examples of solvers that are not matrix-free

  • Direct solvers; need to access \(M_{ij}\) directly

  • Jacobi iteration; because it needs to decompose \(M = D + L + U\)

  • Gauss-Seidel iteration; needs to decompose \(M = L_* + U\)

Example: Main loop of CG algorithm#

To solve

(5)#\[\begin{align} Mx = b \end{align}\]

the main loop of CG reads

(6)#\[\begin{align} \alpha_k =& \frac{r_k^T \cdot r_k}{p_k^T \cdot ( \color{red}{M \cdot p_k})} \\ x_{k+1} = & x_k + \alpha_k p_k \\ r_{k+1} = & r_k - \alpha_k \color{red}{M \cdot p_k} \\ \beta_k = & \frac{r_{k+1}^T \cdot r_{k+1}}{r_k^T \cdot r_k} \\ p_{k+1} = & r_{k+1} + \beta_k p_k \end{align}\]

To implement you only need to implement the application of \(M\) to a vector rather than \(M\) itself

Grid g;
Matrix dx = create_dx (g, bcx), dy = create_dy(g, bcy), j = create_jump();
DiagMatrix diag_chi = create_from_given_vector(chi);

// Implement the effet of matrix without ever assembling it
Vector matrix_vector_product_with_elliptic_matrix( Vector phi)
    Vector dxP = dx*phi, dyP = dy*phi, JP = j*phi;
    Vector tempX = diag_chi*dxP, tempY = diag_chi*dyP;
    dxP = dx.transpose()*tempX, dy= dy.transpose()*tempY;
    return dxP + dyP + JP;

// In main CG loop
Vector Ap= matrix_vector_product_with_elliptic_matrix( p_k);
double alpha = r_old / p*Ap;
x = x + alpha*p;
r = r - alpha*Ap;
r_new = r*r;
double beta = r_new/r_old;
p = r + beta*p;
r_old = r_new;

A manufactured example problem#

We manufacture the solution

(7)#\[\begin{align} \chi &= 1 + A \sin (x)\sin(y) \\ \rho &= 2 \sin(x) \sin(y) (A\sin(x)\sin(y) +1)- A\sin^2(x)\cos^2(y) - A\cos^2(x)\sin^2(y) \\ \phi &= \sin(x)\sin(y) \end{align}\]

for \(A\in ]-1,1[\) and solve on the domain \([0,\pi]\times [0,2\pi]\) for Dirichlet boundary conditions in \(x\) and periodic in \(y\). The initital guess is zero.

Interface to Feltor from python#

We have a C++ program “solvers.cpp” written using the FELTOR library.

  • Takes json file as input

  • Writes output as yaml

import simplesimdb  # A leightweight data creator and database manager
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yaml # for output files

pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.2e' % x)
# Type make solvers in the repository to have the executable available
database = simplesimdb.Manager( executable='./solvers', directory='data', filetype = 'yaml')

Create some default input parameters#

def create_solver() :
    return {
        "type" : "CG", # CG, LGMRES, BICGSTABl, Multigrid
        "eps" : 1e-6,
        "preconditioner" :{
            "type" : "none" # None or diagonal
        "max_iter" : 50000, # maximum number of iterations
        # for CG
        "check-every" : 1, # errror check every .. iterations
        # for LGMRES
        "inner_m" : 30,
        "outer_k" : 3,
        # for BICGSTABL
        "l_input" : 3
def create_inputfile ():
    '''Create an input file for the solvers FELTOR code'''
    return {
        "grid" : {
            "n" : 3,
            "Nx" : 128, 
            "Ny" : 256,
        "solver" : create_solver(),
            "amp" : 0.9, # The closer to 1 the more difficult!   
        "elliptic" :
            "jfactor" : 1,
            "direction" : "forward" # forward or centered


Some basic setup#

# Clean out all existing simulations
def make_dataframe():
    '''Make a pandas Dataframe of all simulations in the database
    Concatenates all inputs and outputs as serialized dicts
    inputs  = list()
    outputs =list()
    for data in database.table() :
        inputs.append( data)
        with open( database.outfile( data)) as f:
            output = yaml.full_load(f)
            outputs.append( output)
    dfi = pd.json_normalize(inputs)        
    dfo = pd.json_normalize(outputs)
    return pd.concat([dfi, dfo], axis=1).sort_values( 'time', ascending=False)

Our first solver test: Unpreconditioned CG on a Nvidia Titan Xp#

# Create an inputfile
inputfile = create_inputfile()

# Run a simulation
outputfile=database.create( inputfile)

# Read in the outputfile (yaml in this case)
with open(outputfile) as f:
    output = yaml.full_load(f)

# Print
Running simulation 2c3fd2...d15a.yaml
{'grid': {'n': 3, 'Nx': 128, 'Ny': 256}, 'solver': {'type': 'CG', 'eps': 1e-06, 'preconditioner': {'type': 'none'}, 'max_iter': 50000, 'check-every': 1, 'inner_m': 30, 'outer_k': 3, 'l_input': 3}, 'equations': {'amp': 0.9}, 'elliptic': {'jfactor': 1, 'direction': 'forward'}}
{'time': 1.43784, 'iter': 4133, 'error': 8.07962e-08, 'error_abs': 1.79484e-07}

Let us print this in a nicer way#

# Use Pandas to analyse the data in a nice way
df = make_dataframe()  
solver.type solver.preconditioner.type grid.n grid.Nx grid.Ny iter time
0 CG none 3 128 256 4133 1.44e+00

Preconditioners in a matrix-free solver#

Problem: since the matrix elements are un-known the preconditioner also needs to be matrix-free

We guess:

(8)#\[\begin{align} M^{-1} \approx \frac{1}{\chi} \end{align}\]

Diagonal preconditioner

inputfile = create_inputfile()
inputfile["solver"]["preconditioner"]['type'] = 'diagonal'

database.create( inputfile)

df = make_dataframe()  
Running simulation 2e0250...195b.yaml
solver.type solver.preconditioner.type grid.n grid.Nx grid.Ny iter time
0 CG none 3 128 256 4133 1.44e+00
1 CG diagonal 3 128 256 2097 7.41e-01
ax ='solver.type',y="time")

How do other Krylov-solvers fare against CG?#


inputfile = create_inputfile()
inputfile["solver"]["preconditioner"]['type'] = 'diagonal'
inputfile["solver"]["type"] = "LGMRES"

database.create( inputfile)
# df = make_dataframe()
# df["time_per_iter"] = df["time"]/df["iter"]
# dff = df[['solver.type','solver.preconditioner.type','grid.n','grid.Nx','grid.Ny',
#           'iter','time','time_per_iter','error']]
# dff
Running simulation 125aff...937d.yaml


inputfile = create_inputfile()
inputfile["solver"]["preconditioner"]['type'] = 'diagonal'
inputfile["solver"]["type"] = "BICGSTABl"

database.create( inputfile)

df = make_dataframe()
df['time_per_iter'] =  df["time"]/df["iter"]
dff = df[['solver.type','solver.preconditioner.type','grid.n','grid.Nx','grid.Ny','iter','time','time_per_iter']]
Running simulation 22c9a0...3d3d.yaml
solver.type solver.preconditioner.type grid.n grid.Nx grid.Ny iter time time_per_iter
0 LGMRES diagonal 3 128 256 5229 7.92e+00 1.51e-03
2 CG none 3 128 256 4133 1.44e+00 3.48e-04
1 BICGSTABl diagonal 3 128 256 1374 9.38e-01 6.82e-04
3 CG diagonal 3 128 256 2097 7.41e-01 3.53e-04
ax ='solver.type',y="time")


  • LGMRES is almost a factor 10 worse than CG for this problem (other problems may have different results)

  • BICGSTABl fares almost as well as normal CG

Matrix-free (geometric) multigrid#

Classical multigrid consists of three ingredients [Briggs, W.L., Henson, V.E., and McCormick, S.F. (2000) A multigid tutorial]

  • A grid restriction/prolongation

  • A (direct) solver on the coarsest grid

  • A smoother on the other grids

With matrix-free (dG) solvers:

  • restriction/prolongation is straightforward

  • A direct solver is inadmissable

  • Most smoothers (e.g. Gauss-Seidel) are not matrix-free

A first attempt: Nested iterations#


  • project initial guess to coarsest grid

  • solve with PCG up to accuracy

  • interpolate solution to next fine grid

  • solve with PCG (with interpolated solution as initial guess)

This employs ideas from “Full approximation scheme” and also works for nonlinear problems

[Van Emden Henson “Multigrid methods for nonlinear problems: an overview”, Proc. SPIE 5016, Computational Imaging, (1 July 2003);]

def create_multigrid_inputfile():
    return {
        "grid" : {
            "n" : 3,
            "Nx" : 128, 
            "Ny" : 256,
        "solver" : 
            "type" : "Multigrid-FAS", # Full approximation scheme
            "num_stages" : 3,
            "solvers" :
                create_solver(), # Solver on stage 0 (the fine grid)
                create_solver(), # Solver on stage 1 (the next grid)
                create_solver()  # Solver on stage 2 (the coarse grid)
            "amp" : 0.9, # The closer to 1 the more difficult   
        "elliptic" :
            "jfactor" : 1,
            "direction" : "forward" # forward or centered

inputfile = create_multigrid_inputfile()
for i in (0,1,2):
    inputfile['solver']['solvers'][i]['preconditioner']['type'] = 'diagonal'
inputfile['solver']['preconditioner'] = {'type': 'diagonal'}

database.create( inputfile, error = 'display')
df = make_dataframe()
df["time_per_iter"] = df["time"]/df["iter"]
dff = df[['solver.type','solver.preconditioner.type','grid.n','grid.Nx','grid.Ny',
          'iter','time','time_per_iter', 'error']]
Running simulation 217afd...fdd7.yaml
solver.type solver.preconditioner.type grid.n grid.Nx grid.Ny iter time time_per_iter error
0 LGMRES diagonal 3 128 256 5229 7.92e+00 1.51e-03 7.28e-07
3 CG none 3 128 256 4133 1.44e+00 3.48e-04 8.08e-08
2 BICGSTABl diagonal 3 128 256 1374 9.38e-01 6.82e-04 1.05e-06
4 CG diagonal 3 128 256 2097 7.41e-01 3.53e-04 8.23e-08
1 Multigrid-FAS diagonal 3 128 256 76 1.26e-01 1.66e-03 8.34e-08
ax ='solver.type',y="time")

Fine-tuning: Avoiding scalar products on coarse grid#

On a cluster the most time-consuming operation is the scalar product on the coarse grid. Avoid error check at every iteration.

inputfile = create_multigrid_inputfile()
for i in (0,1,2):
    inputfile['solver']['solvers'][i]['check-every'] = 10 # only check error at every 10-th iteration 
    if( i==0 ) : 
        inputfile['solver']['solvers'][i]['check-every'] = 1 
    inputfile['solver']['solvers'][i]['preconditioner']['type'] = 'diagonal'
    inputfile['solver']['preconditioner'] = {'type': 'diagonal'}
database.recreate( inputfile, error = 'display')
# database.delete( inputfile)
df = make_dataframe()
df["time_per_iter"] = df["time"]/df["iter"]
dff = df[['solver.type','solver.preconditioner.type','grid.n','grid.Nx','grid.Ny',
Running simulation 27f4bd...be14.yaml
solver.type solver.preconditioner.type grid.n grid.Nx grid.Ny iter time time_per_iter error
0 LGMRES diagonal 3 128 256 5229 7.92e+00 1.51e-03 7.28e-07
4 CG none 3 128 256 4133 1.44e+00 3.48e-04 8.08e-08
2 BICGSTABl diagonal 3 128 256 1374 9.38e-01 6.82e-04 1.05e-06
5 CG diagonal 3 128 256 2097 7.41e-01 3.53e-04 8.23e-08
1 Multigrid-FAS diagonal 3 128 256 76 1.26e-01 1.66e-03 8.34e-08
3 Multigrid-FAS diagonal 3 128 256 76 1.11e-01 1.46e-03 8.22e-08
ax ='solver.type',y="time")
# ax.set_xticklabels(["LGMRES","BICGSTABl","CG (no precond.)", "CG (with precond.)"
# ,"FAS (default)",  "FAS (optimized)"]) 
ax.set_xlabel( "")
ax.set_ylabel( 'time to solution [s]')
# plt.savefig( 'solvers.png', bbox_inches="tight")

Matrix-free Full multigrid#

Matrix-free Full multigrid is possible using

  • use Chebyshev iterations as smoother

  • use CG on coarse grid as solver


  • no performance improvement over nested iterations (in our tests)

  • sometimes does not converge at all


  • Matrix-free solvers avoid assembly cost of matrix

  • CG solver can have large speedup (up to 10x) over LGMRES for symmetric problems

  • Matrix-free multigrid possible and large speedup (another 10x) over non-multigrid