Discontinuous Galerkin Library
#include "dg/algorithm.h"
Go to the documentation of this file.
1#pragma once
2#include <cassert>
3#include <thrust/sequence.h>
4#include <thrust/sort.h>
5#include <thrust/gather.h>
6#include <thrust/scatter.h>
8#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
9#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
10#include "blas1_dispatch_shared.h"
11#include "dg/blas1.h"
12#include "memory.h"
13#include "mpi_communicator.h"
15namespace dg{
27template<class Index, class Vector>
28struct Collective
30 Collective(){
31 m_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL;
32 }
40 Collective( const thrust::host_vector<int>& sendTo, MPI_Comm comm) {
41 construct( sendTo, comm);
42 }
44 void construct( thrust::host_vector<int> sendTo, MPI_Comm comm){
45 //sollte schnell sein
46 thrust::host_vector<int> recvFrom(sendTo), accS(sendTo), accR(sendTo);
47 m_comm=comm;
48 int rank, size;
49 MPI_Comm_rank( m_comm, &rank);
50 MPI_Comm_size( m_comm, &size);
51 assert( sendTo.size() == (unsigned)size);
52 thrust::host_vector<unsigned> global( size*size);
53 MPI_Allgather( sendTo.data(), size, MPI_UNSIGNED,
54 global.data(), size, MPI_UNSIGNED,
55 m_comm);
56 for( unsigned i=0; i<(unsigned)size; i++)
57 recvFrom[i] = global[i*size+rank];
58 thrust::exclusive_scan( sendTo.begin(), sendTo.end(), accS.begin());
59 thrust::exclusive_scan( recvFrom.begin(), recvFrom.end(), accR.begin());
60 m_sendTo=sendTo, m_recvFrom=recvFrom, m_accS=accS, m_accR=accR;
61 }
69 unsigned size() const {return values_size();}
70 MPI_Comm comm() const {return m_comm;}
72 void transpose(){ m_sendTo.swap( m_recvFrom);}
73 void invert(){ m_sendTo.swap( m_recvFrom);}
75 void scatter( const Vector& values, Vector& store) const;
76 void gather( const Vector& store, Vector& values) const;
77 unsigned store_size() const{
78 if( m_recvFrom.empty())
79 return 0;
80 return thrust::reduce( m_recvFrom.begin(), m_recvFrom.end() );
81 }
82 unsigned values_size() const{
83 if( m_sendTo.empty())
84 return 0;
85 return thrust::reduce( m_sendTo.begin(), m_sendTo.end() );
86 }
87 MPI_Comm communicator() const{return m_comm;}
88 private:
89 unsigned sendTo( unsigned pid) const {return m_sendTo[pid];}
90 unsigned recvFrom( unsigned pid) const {return m_recvFrom[pid];}
92 thrust::host_vector<int> m_sendTo, m_accS;
93 thrust::host_vector<int> m_recvFrom, m_accR;
96//surprisingly MPI_Alltoallv wants the integers to be on the host, only
97//the data is on the device (does this question the necessity of Index?)
98 thrust::host_vector<int> m_sendTo, m_accS; //accumulated send
99 thrust::host_vector<int> m_recvFrom, m_accR; //accumulated recv
100#endif // _DG_CUDA_UNAWARE_MPI
101 MPI_Comm m_comm;
104template< class Index, class Device>
105void Collective<Index, Device>::scatter( const Device& values, Device& store) const
107 //assert( store.size() == store_size() );
109 if( std::is_same< get_execution_policy<Device>, CudaTag>::value ) //could be serial tag
110 {
111 cudaError_t code = cudaGetLastError( );
112 if( code != cudaSuccess)
113 throw dg::Error(dg::Message(_ping_)<<cudaGetErrorString(code));
114 code = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); //needs to be called
115 if( code != cudaSuccess)
116 throw dg::Error(dg::Message(_ping_)<<cudaGetErrorString(code));
117 }
120 m_values.data() = values;
121 m_store.data().resize( store.size());
122 MPI_Alltoallv(
123 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_values.data().data()),
124 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_sendTo.data()),
125 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accS.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(),
126 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_store.data().data()),
127 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_recvFrom.data()),
128 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accR.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(), m_comm);
129 store = m_store.data();
131 MPI_Alltoallv(
132 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( values.data()),
133 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_sendTo.data()),
134 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accS.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(),
135 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( store.data()),
136 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_recvFrom.data()),
137 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accR.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(), m_comm);
138#endif //_DG_CUDA_UNAWARE_MPI
141template< class Index, class Device>
142void Collective<Index, Device>::gather( const Device& gatherFrom, Device& values) const
144 //assert( gatherFrom.size() == store_size() );
145 values.resize( values_size() );
147 if( std::is_same< get_execution_policy<Device>, CudaTag>::value ) //could be serial tag
148 {
149 cudaError_t code = cudaGetLastError( );
150 if( code != cudaSuccess)
151 throw dg::Error(dg::Message(_ping_)<<cudaGetErrorString(code));
152 code = cudaDeviceSynchronize(); //needs to be called
153 if( code != cudaSuccess)
154 throw dg::Error(dg::Message(_ping_)<<cudaGetErrorString(code));
155 }
158 m_store.data() = gatherFrom;
159 m_values.data().resize( values.size());
160 MPI_Alltoallv(
161 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_store.data().data()),
162 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_recvFrom.data()),
163 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accR.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(),
164 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_values.data().data()),
165 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_sendTo.data()),
166 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accS.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(), m_comm);
167 values = m_values.data();
169 MPI_Alltoallv(
170 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( gatherFrom.data()),
171 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_recvFrom.data()),
172 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accR.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(),
173 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( values.data()),
174 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_sendTo.data()),
175 thrust::raw_pointer_cast( m_accS.data()), getMPIDataType<get_value_type<Device> >(), m_comm);
176#endif //_DG_CUDA_UNAWARE_MPI
178//BijectiveComm ist der Spezialfall, dass jedes Element nur ein einziges Mal gebraucht wird.
206template< class Index, class Vector>
207struct BijectiveComm : public aCommunicator<Vector>
210 BijectiveComm( ) = default;
226 BijectiveComm( const thrust::host_vector<int>& pids, MPI_Comm comm) {
227 construct( pids, comm);
228 }
232 BijectiveComm( unsigned local_size, thrust::host_vector<int> localIndexMap, thrust::host_vector<int> pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm)
233 {
234 construct( pidIndexMap, comm);
235 m_p.transpose();
236 }
240 template<class ConversionPolicy>
241 BijectiveComm( const thrust::host_vector<int>& globalIndexMap, const ConversionPolicy& p)
242 {
243 thrust::host_vector<int> local(globalIndexMap.size()), pids(globalIndexMap.size());
244 bool success = true;
245 for(unsigned i=0; i<local.size(); i++)
246 if( !p.global2localIdx(globalIndexMap[i], local[i], pids[i]) ) success = false;
247 assert( success);
248 construct( pids, p.communicator());
249 m_p.transpose();
250 }
253 template<class OtherIndex, class OtherVector>
255 construct( src.get_pids(), src.communicator());
256 }
262 const thrust::host_vector<int>& get_pids()const{return m_pids;}
263 virtual BijectiveComm* clone() const override final {return new BijectiveComm(*this);}
264 private:
265 void compute_global_comm(){
266 if( m_p.communicator() == MPI_COMM_NULL){
267 m_global_comm = false;
268 return;
269 }
270 int rank;
271 MPI_Comm_rank( m_p.communicator(), &rank);
272 bool local_communicating = false, global_communicating=false;
273 for( unsigned i=0; i<m_pids.size(); i++)
274 if( m_pids[i] != rank)
275 local_communicating = true;
276 MPI_Allreduce( &local_communicating, &global_communicating, 1,
277 MPI_C_BOOL, MPI_LOR, m_p.communicator());
278 m_global_comm = global_communicating;
279 }
280 virtual bool do_isCommunicating() const override final{ return m_global_comm;}
281 virtual MPI_Comm do_communicator() const override final {return m_p.communicator();}
282 virtual unsigned do_size() const override final { return m_p.store_size();}
283 virtual Vector do_make_buffer()const override final{
284 Vector tmp( do_size() );
285 return tmp;
286 }
287 void construct( thrust::host_vector<int> pids, MPI_Comm comm)
288 {
289 this->set_local_size( pids.size());
290 m_pids = pids;
291 dg::assign( pids, m_idx);
292 int size;
293 MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size);
294 for( unsigned i=0; i<pids.size(); i++)
295 assert( 0 <= pids[i] && pids[i] < size);
296 thrust::host_vector<int> index(pids);
297 thrust::sequence( index.begin(), index.end());
298 thrust::stable_sort_by_key( pids.begin(), pids.end(), index.begin());//note: this also sorts the pids
299 m_idx=index;
300 //now we can repeat/invert the sort by a gather/scatter operation with index as map
301 //i.e. we could sort pids by a gather
303 //Now construct the collective object by getting the number of elements to send
304 thrust::host_vector<int> one( pids.size(), 1), keys(one), number(one);
305 typedef thrust::host_vector<int>::iterator iterator;
306 thrust::pair< iterator, iterator> new_end =
307 thrust::reduce_by_key( pids.begin(), pids.end(), //sorted!
308 one.begin(), keys.begin(), number.begin() );
309 unsigned distance = thrust::distance( keys.begin(), new_end.first);
310 thrust::host_vector<int> sendTo( size, 0 );
311 for( unsigned i=0; i<distance; i++)
312 sendTo[keys[i]] = number[i];
313 m_p.construct( sendTo, comm);
314 m_values.data().resize( m_idx.size());
315 compute_global_comm();
316 }
317 virtual void do_global_gather( const get_value_type<Vector>* values, Vector& store)const override final
318 {
319 //actually this is a scatter but we constructed it invertedly
320 //we could maybe transpose the Collective object!?
321 //assert( values.size() == m_idx.size());
322 //nach PID ordnen
323 typename Vector::const_pointer values_ptr(values);
324 //senden
325 if( m_global_comm)
326 {
327 thrust::gather( m_idx.begin(), m_idx.end(), values_ptr, m_values.data().begin());
328 m_p.scatter( m_values.data(), store);
329 }
330 else
331 thrust::gather( m_idx.begin(), m_idx.end(), values_ptr, store.begin());
332 }
334 virtual void do_global_scatter_reduce( const Vector& toScatter, get_value_type<Vector>* values) const override final
335 {
336 //actually this is a gather but we constructed it invertedly
337 typename Vector::pointer values_ptr(values);
338 if( m_global_comm)
339 {
340 m_p.gather( toScatter, m_values.data());
341 //nach PID geordnete Werte wieder umsortieren
342 thrust::scatter( m_values.data().begin(), m_values.data().end(), m_idx.begin(), values_ptr);
343 }
344 else
345 {
346 thrust::scatter( toScatter.begin(), toScatter.end(), m_idx.begin(), values_ptr);
347 }
348 }
349 Buffer<Vector> m_values;
350 Index m_idx;
351 Collective<Index, Vector> m_p;
352 thrust::host_vector<int> m_pids;
353 bool m_global_comm = false;
372template< class Index, class Vector>
373struct SurjectiveComm : public aCommunicator<Vector>
377 m_buffer_size = m_store_size = 0;
378 }
381 SurjectiveComm( unsigned local_size, const thrust::host_vector<int>& localIndexMap, const thrust::host_vector<int>& pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm)
382 {
383 construct( local_size, localIndexMap, pidIndexMap, comm);
384 }
388 template<class ConversionPolicy>
389 SurjectiveComm( const thrust::host_vector<int>& globalIndexMap, const ConversionPolicy& p)
390 {
391 thrust::host_vector<int> local(globalIndexMap.size()), pids(globalIndexMap.size());
392 bool success = true;
393 for(unsigned i=0; i<local.size(); i++)
394 if( !p.global2localIdx(globalIndexMap[i], local[i], pids[i]) ) success = false;
396 assert( success);
397 construct( p.local_size(), local, pids, p.communicator());
398 }
401 template<class OtherIndex, class OtherVector>
403 {
404 construct( src.local_size(), src.getLocalIndexMap(), src.getPidIndexMap(), src.communicator());
405 }
408 const thrust::host_vector<int>& getLocalIndexMap() const {return m_localIndexMap;}
410 const thrust::host_vector<int>& getPidIndexMap() const {return m_pidIndexMap;}
411 const Index& getSortedIndexMap() const {return m_sortedIndexMap;}
412 virtual SurjectiveComm* clone() const override final {return new SurjectiveComm(*this);}
414 bool isLocalBijective() const {return !m_reduction;}
415 private:
416 virtual bool do_isCommunicating() const override final{
417 return m_bijectiveComm.isCommunicating();
418 }
419 virtual Vector do_make_buffer()const override final{
420 Vector tmp(do_size());
421 return tmp;
422 }
423 virtual void do_global_gather( const get_value_type<Vector>* values, Vector& buffer)const override final
424 {
425 //gather values to store
426 typename Vector::const_pointer values_ptr(values);
427 thrust::gather( m_IndexMap.begin(), m_IndexMap.end(), values_ptr, m_store.data().begin());
428 m_bijectiveComm.global_scatter_reduce( m_store.data(), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(buffer.data()));
429 }
430 virtual void do_global_scatter_reduce( const Vector& toScatter, get_value_type<Vector>* values)const override final
431 {
432 //now perform a local sort, reduce and scatter operation
433 typename Vector::pointer values_ptr(values);
434 if( m_reduction)
435 {
436 //first gather values into temporary store
437 Vector storet = m_bijectiveComm.global_gather( thrust::raw_pointer_cast(toScatter.data()));
438 thrust::gather( m_sortMap.begin(), m_sortMap.end(), storet.begin(), m_store.data().begin());
439 thrust::reduce_by_key( m_sortedIndexMap.begin(), m_sortedIndexMap.end(), m_store.data().begin(), m_keys.data().begin(), values_ptr);
440 }
441 else
442 {
443 m_bijectiveComm.global_gather( thrust::raw_pointer_cast(toScatter.data()), m_store.data());
444 thrust::gather( m_sortMap.begin(), m_sortMap.end(), m_store.data().begin(), values_ptr);
445 }
447 }
448 virtual MPI_Comm do_communicator()const override final{return m_bijectiveComm.communicator();}
449 virtual unsigned do_size() const override final {return m_buffer_size;}
450 void construct( unsigned local_size, thrust::host_vector<int> localIndexMap, thrust::host_vector<int> pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm)
451 {
452 this->set_local_size(local_size);
453 m_bijectiveComm = BijectiveComm<Index, Vector>( pidIndexMap, comm);
454 m_localIndexMap = localIndexMap, m_pidIndexMap = pidIndexMap;
455 m_buffer_size = localIndexMap.size();
456 assert( m_buffer_size == pidIndexMap.size());
457 //the bijectiveComm behaves as if we had given the index map for the store
458 //now gather the localIndexMap from the buffer to the store to get the final index map
459 Vector m_localIndexMapd = dg::construct<Vector>( localIndexMap);
460 const typename aCommunicator<Vector>::value_type * v_ptr = thrust::raw_pointer_cast(m_localIndexMapd.data());
461 Vector gatherMapV = m_bijectiveComm.global_gather( v_ptr); // a scatter wrt to the buffer
462 m_sortMap = m_sortedIndexMap = m_IndexMap = dg::construct<Index>(gatherMapV);
463 //now prepare a reduction map and a scatter map
464 thrust::sequence( m_sortMap.begin(), m_sortMap.end());
465 thrust::stable_sort_by_key( m_sortedIndexMap.begin(), m_sortedIndexMap.end(), m_sortMap.begin());//note: this sorts both keys and values (m_sortedIndexMap, m_sortMap)
466 //now we can repeat/invert the sort by a gather/scatter operation with sortMap as map
467 // if bijective, sortMap is the inverse of IndexMap
468 m_store_size = m_IndexMap.size();
469 m_store.data().resize( m_store_size);
470 m_keys.data().resize( m_store_size);
471 // Check if reduction is necessary
472 Vector temp( m_store_size);
473 auto new_end = thrust::reduce_by_key( m_sortedIndexMap.begin(), m_sortedIndexMap.end(), m_store.data().begin(), m_keys.data().begin(), temp.begin());
474 if( new_end.second == temp.end())
475 m_reduction = false;
477 }
478 unsigned m_buffer_size, m_store_size;
479 BijectiveComm<Index, Vector> m_bijectiveComm;
480 Index m_IndexMap, m_sortMap, m_sortedIndexMap;
481 Buffer<Index> m_keys;
482 Buffer<Vector> m_store;
483 thrust::host_vector<int> m_localIndexMap, m_pidIndexMap;
484 bool m_reduction = true;
502template< class Index, class Vector>
503struct GeneralComm : public aCommunicator<Vector>
506 GeneralComm() = default;
518 GeneralComm( unsigned local_size, const thrust::host_vector<int>& localIndexMap, const thrust::host_vector<int>& pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm) {
519 construct(local_size, localIndexMap, pidIndexMap, comm);
520 }
537 template<class ConversionPolicy>
538 GeneralComm( const thrust::host_vector<int>& globalIndexMap, const ConversionPolicy& p)
539 {
540 thrust::host_vector<int> local(globalIndexMap.size()), pids(globalIndexMap.size());
541 bool success = true;
542 for(unsigned i=0; i<local.size(); i++)
543 if( !p.global2localIdx(globalIndexMap[i], local[i], pids[i]) ) success = false;
544 assert( success);
545 construct(p.local_size(), local, pids, p.communicator());
546 }
549 template<class OtherIndex, class OtherVector>
551 if( src.buffer_size() > 0)
552 construct( src.local_size(), src.getLocalIndexMap(), src.getPidIndexMap(), src.communicator());
553 }
556 const thrust::host_vector<int>& getLocalIndexMap() const {return m_surjectiveComm.getLocalIndexMap();}
558 const thrust::host_vector<int>& getPidIndexMap() const {return m_surjectiveComm.getPidIndexMap();}
559 virtual GeneralComm* clone() const override final {return new GeneralComm(*this);}
560 private:
561 virtual bool do_isCommunicating() const override final{
562 return m_surjectiveComm.isCommunicating();
563 }
564 virtual Vector do_make_buffer() const override final{
565 Vector tmp(do_size());
566 return tmp;
567 }
568 virtual MPI_Comm do_communicator()const override final{return m_surjectiveComm.communicator();}
569 virtual void do_global_gather( const get_value_type<Vector>* values, Vector& sink)const override final {
570 m_surjectiveComm.global_gather( values, sink);
571 }
572 virtual void do_global_scatter_reduce( const Vector& toScatter, get_value_type<Vector>* values)const override final {
573 m_surjectiveComm.global_scatter_reduce( toScatter, thrust::raw_pointer_cast(m_store.data().data()));
574 typename Vector::pointer values_ptr(values);
575 dg::blas1::detail::doSubroutine_dispatch(
576 get_execution_policy<Vector>(),
577 this->local_size(),
578 dg::equals(),
579 0,
580 values
581 );
582 thrust::scatter( m_store.data().begin(), m_store.data().end(), m_scatterMap.begin(), values_ptr);
583 }
585 virtual unsigned do_size() const override final{return m_surjectiveComm.buffer_size();}
586 void construct( unsigned local_size, const thrust::host_vector<int>& localIndexMap, const thrust::host_vector<int>& pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm)
587 {
588 this->set_local_size( local_size);
589 m_surjectiveComm = SurjectiveComm<Index,Vector>(local_size, localIndexMap, pidIndexMap, comm);
591 const Index& m_sortedIndexMap = m_surjectiveComm.getSortedIndexMap();
592 thrust::host_vector<int> gatherMap = dg::construct<thrust::host_vector<int>>( m_sortedIndexMap);
593 thrust::host_vector<int> one( gatherMap.size(), 1), keys(one), number(one);
594 typedef thrust::host_vector<int>::iterator iterator;
595 thrust::pair< iterator, iterator> new_end =
596 thrust::reduce_by_key( gatherMap.begin(), gatherMap.end(), //sorted!
597 one.begin(), keys.begin(), number.begin() );
598 unsigned distance = thrust::distance( keys.begin(), new_end.first);
599 m_store.data().resize( distance);
600 m_scatterMap.resize(distance);
601 thrust::copy( keys.begin(), keys.begin() + distance, m_scatterMap.begin());
602 }
603 SurjectiveComm<Index, Vector> m_surjectiveComm;
604 Buffer<Vector> m_store;
605 Index m_scatterMap;
608}//namespace dg
class intended for the use in throw statements
Definition: exceptions.h:83
small class holding a stringstream
Definition: exceptions.h:29
#define _ping_
Definition: exceptions.h:12
ContainerType construct(const from_ContainerType &from, Params &&... ps)
Generic way to construct an object of ContainerType given a from_ContainerType object and optional ad...
Definition: blas1.h:696
void assign(const from_ContainerType &from, ContainerType &to, Params &&... ps)
Generic way to assign the contents of a from_ContainerType object to a ContainerType object optionall...
Definition: blas1.h:665
static DG_DEVICE double one(double x)
Definition: functions.h:20
void copy(const ContainerTypeIn &source, ContainerTypeOut &target)
Definition: blas1.h:164
OutputType reduce(const ContainerType &x, OutputType zero, BinaryOp binary_op, UnaryOp unary_op=UnaryOp())
Custom (transform) reduction
Definition: blas1.h:139
dg::Operator< T > invert(const dg::Operator< T > &in)
Alias for dg::create::inverse. Compute inverse of square matrix.
Definition: operator.h:695
void transpose(unsigned nx, unsigned ny, const ContainerType &in, ContainerType &out)
Transpose vector.
Definition: average_dispatch.h:26
bool is_same(double x, double y, double eps=1e-15)
Definition: runge_kutta.h:948
This is the namespace for all functions and classes defined and used by the discontinuous Galerkin li...
Perform bijective gather and its transpose (scatter) operation across processes on distributed vector...
Definition: mpi_collective.h:208
const thrust::host_vector< int > & get_pids() const
These are the pids that were given in the Constructor.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:262
BijectiveComm(const thrust::host_vector< int > &globalIndexMap, const ConversionPolicy &p)
Construct from global indices index map.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:241
BijectiveComm(const BijectiveComm< OtherIndex, OtherVector > &src)
reconstruct from another type; if src is empty, same as default constructor
Definition: mpi_collective.h:254
BijectiveComm(const thrust::host_vector< int > &pids, MPI_Comm comm)
Construct from a given scatter map (inverse index map) with respect to the source/data vector.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:226
no memory allocation; size 0
virtual BijectiveComm * clone() const override final
Generic copy method.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:263
BijectiveComm(unsigned local_size, thrust::host_vector< int > localIndexMap, thrust::host_vector< int > pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm)
Construct from local indices and PIDs index map.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:232
a manager class that invokes the copy constructor on the managed ptr when copied (deep copy)
Definition: memory.h:152
T & data() const
Get write access to the data on the heap.
Definition: memory.h:187
Perform general gather and its transpose (scatter) operation across processes on distributed vectors ...
Definition: mpi_collective.h:504
GeneralComm(unsigned local_size, const thrust::host_vector< int > &localIndexMap, const thrust::host_vector< int > &pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm)
Construct from local indices and PIDs index map.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:518
GeneralComm(const thrust::host_vector< int > &globalIndexMap, const ConversionPolicy &p)
Construct from global indices index map.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:538
const thrust::host_vector< int > & getPidIndexMap() const
read access to the pid index map given in constructor
Definition: mpi_collective.h:558
no memory allocation; size 0
virtual GeneralComm * clone() const override final
Generic copy method.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:559
GeneralComm(const GeneralComm< OtherIndex, OtherVector > &src)
reconstruct from another type; if src is empty, same as default constructor
Definition: mpi_collective.h:550
const thrust::host_vector< int > & getLocalIndexMap() const
read access to the local index index map given in constructor
Definition: mpi_collective.h:556
Perform surjective gather and its transpose (scatter) operation across processes on distributed vecto...
Definition: mpi_collective.h:374
SurjectiveComm(unsigned local_size, const thrust::host_vector< int > &localIndexMap, const thrust::host_vector< int > &pidIndexMap, MPI_Comm comm)
Construct from local indices and PIDs index map.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:381
no memory allocation; size 0
Definition: mpi_collective.h:376
const thrust::host_vector< int > & getPidIndexMap() const
read access to the pid index map given in constructor
Definition: mpi_collective.h:410
const Index & getSortedIndexMap() const
Definition: mpi_collective.h:411
bool isLocalBijective() const
No reduction on this process? True: no reduction, False: need to reduce.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:414
const thrust::host_vector< int > & getLocalIndexMap() const
read access to the local index index map given in constructor
Definition: mpi_collective.h:408
SurjectiveComm(const SurjectiveComm< OtherIndex, OtherVector > &src)
reconstruct from another type; if src is empty, same as default constructor
Definition: mpi_collective.h:402
SurjectiveComm(const thrust::host_vector< int > &globalIndexMap, const ConversionPolicy &p)
Construct from global indices index map.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:389
virtual SurjectiveComm * clone() const override final
Generic copy method.
Definition: mpi_collective.h:412
Struct that performs collective scatter and gather operations across processes on distributed vectors...
Definition: mpi_communicator.h:98
unsigned local_size() const
The local size of the source vector v = local size of the dg::MPI_Vector
Definition: mpi_communicator.h:190
get_value_type< Vector > value_type
reveal value type
Definition: mpi_communicator.h:99
unsigned buffer_size() const
The local size of the buffer vector w = local map size.
Definition: mpi_communicator.h:178
void set_local_size(unsigned new_size)
Set the local size of the source vector v.
Definition: mpi_communicator.h:242
MPI_Comm communicator() const
The internal MPI communicator used.
Definition: mpi_communicator.h:220
Definition: subroutines.h:22