Discontinuous Galerkin Library
#include "dg/algorithm.h"
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 Level 1: Vectors, Matrices and basic operations
 Basic container independent subroutines
 BLAS level 1 routines: Vector-Vector\( f( x_{0i}, x_{1i}, x_{2i}, ...) \) and \( x^T y\)
 BLAS level 2 routines: Matrix-Vector\( \alpha M \cdot x + \beta y\) and \( x^T M y \)
 Tensor-Vector operations\( v^i = T^{ij} w_j\)
 Useful Typedefs
 Sparse matrix formats
 Dense matrix formats
 Vector view
 MPI backend
 The tag dispatch system
 All TensorTraits specialisations
 Level 2: Basic numerical algorithms
 ODE integration\( \dot y = f(y,t) \)
 Utilities for ODE integrators
 Quadrature\( \int_{t_0}^T u(t) dt \)
 Linear and nonlinear solversLinear \( Ax = b\) and non-linear \( f(x) = b\)
 Level 3: Topology and Geometry
 Topological grids and operations
 Topology base classes
 evaluate\( f_i = f(\vec x_i) \)
 create weights
 create derivatives\( D_x\), \( D_y\) and \( D_z \)
 create stencils
 Interpolation, Projection, Transformation\( I \) and \( P = I^\dagger\)
 Scatter and Gather
 Geometric grids and tensor operations
 Geometry base classes
 pullback and pushforward\( f_i = f( x (\zeta_i,\eta_i), y(\zeta_i,\eta_i)) \)
 create volume\( \sqrt{g} \)
 Grid Refinement classes
 Finite Element Methods
 Useful Typedefs
 Level 4: Advanced numerical schemes
 Advection terms\( \vec v \cdot \nabla u\) and \( \{ f,g\} \)
 Elliptic operatorsElliptic \( -\nabla\cdot (\chi \nabla f)\) and Helmholtz \( (\chi + \alpha \Delta) f\)
 Multigrid matrix inversion\( A x = b\)
 Level 0: Miscellaneous additions
 Timer classT.tic(); t.toc(); t.diff();
 Functions and functors
 SimpleFor the dg::evaluate and dg::blas1::evaluate functions
 A large collectionFor the dg::evaluate and dg::blas1::evaluate functions
 Composition of two or more functors
 dg::blas1::evaluate binary operatorsBinary subroutines for the dg::blas1::evaluate function
 dg::blas1::evaluate variadic functorsFunctors to use in the dg::blas1::evaluate function
 dg::blas1::subroutine subroutinesFunctors to use in the dg::blas1::subroutine functions
 dg::blas2::stencil subroutinesFunctors to use in dg::blas2::stencil function
 Lowlevel helper functions and classes