Extension: Geometries
#include "dg/geometries/geometries.h"
dg::geo::solovev Namespace Reference

Contains the solovev state type flux function. More...


struct  Ipol
struct  IpolR
struct  IpolZ
struct  Parameters
 Constructs and display geometric parameters for the solovev and taylor fields. More...
struct  Psip
struct  PsipR
struct  PsipRR
struct  PsipRZ
struct  PsipZ
struct  PsipZZ


static dg::geo::CylindricalFunctorsLvl2 createPsip (const Parameters &gp)
static dg::geo::CylindricalFunctorsLvl1 createIpol (const Parameters &gp, const CylindricalFunctorsLvl1 &psip)

Detailed Description

Contains the solovev state type flux function.

A.J. Cerfon and J.P. Freidberg: "One size fits all" analytic solutions to the Grad-Shafraonv equation, Physics of Plasmas 17, 032502 (2010)