Extension: Matrix functions
#include "dg/matrix/matrix.h"
dg Namespace Reference

Classes for Krylov space approximations of a Matrix-Vector product. More...


namespace  blas1
namespace  blas2
namespace  create
namespace  mat
namespace  tensor
namespace  x


struct  ABS
struct  AbsMax
struct  AbsMin
struct  aCommunicator
struct  Adaptive
struct  AdaptiveTimeloop
struct  Advection
struct  AndersonAcceleration
struct  AnyMatrixTag
struct  AnyPolicyTag
struct  AnyScalarTag
struct  AnyVectorTag
struct  ArakawaX
struct  aRealGeometry2d
struct  aRealGeometry3d
struct  aRealGeometryX2d
struct  aRealGeometryX3d
struct  aRealMPIGeometry2d
struct  aRealMPIGeometry3d
struct  aRealMPITopology2d
struct  aRealMPITopology3d
struct  aRealProductGeometry3d
struct  aRealProductMPIGeometry3d
struct  aRealRefinement1d
struct  aRealRefinementX2d
struct  aRealTopology2d
struct  aRealTopology3d
struct  aRealTopologyX2d
struct  aRealTopologyX3d
struct  ARKStep
struct  ArrayScalarTag
struct  ArrayVectorTag
struct  aTimeloop
struct  Average
struct  Average< MPI_Vector< container > >
struct  Axpby
struct  Axpbypgz
struct  AxyPby
struct  BathRZ
class  BICGSTABl
struct  BijectiveComm
struct  Buffer
struct  ButcherTableau
struct  Cauchy
struct  CauchyX
class  ChebyshevIteration
struct  ChebyshevPreconditioner
struct  ClonePtr
struct  Composite
struct  CONSTANT
struct  ConvertsToButcherTableau
struct  ConvertsToMultistepTableau
struct  ConvertsToShuOsherTableau
struct  CooSparseBlockMat
struct  CosXCosY
struct  CosY
struct  CSRAverageFilter
struct  CSRMedianFilter
struct  CSRSlopeLimiter
struct  CSRSWMFilter
struct  CSRSymvFilter
struct  CudaTag
struct  CuspMatrixTag
struct  CuspVectorTag
struct  DefaultSolver
struct  DenseMatrixTag
struct  DIRKStep
struct  Distance
struct  divides
struct  divides_equals
class  DLT
struct  DPolynomialHeaviside
class  Elliptic1d
class  Elliptic2d
class  Elliptic3d
struct  EllSparseBlockMat
struct  EmbeddedPairSum
struct  EntireDomain
struct  equals
struct  ERKStep
class  Error
struct  Evaluate
class  EVE
struct  EXP
struct  ExplicitMultistep
struct  ExponentialFilter
struct  ExpProfX
struct  Extrapolation
struct  Fail
struct  FilteredERKStep
struct  FilteredExplicitMultistep
struct  Gaussian
struct  Gaussian3d
struct  GaussianDamping
struct  GaussianX
struct  GaussianY
struct  GaussianZ
struct  GeneralComm
struct  GeneralHelmholtz
struct  Heaviside
struct  Helmholtz2
struct  Histogram
struct  Histogram2D
struct  Horner2d
struct  IDENTITY
struct  IdentityFilter
struct  ImExMultistep
struct  ImplicitMultistep
struct  InvCoshXsq
struct  InverseKroneckerTriDiagonal2d
struct  InverseTensorMultiply2d
struct  InverseTensorMultiply3d
struct  InverseTriDiagonal
struct  INVERT
struct  InvSqrt
struct  IPolynomialHeaviside
struct  Iris
struct  IslandXY
struct  ISNSANE
struct  KroneckerTriDiagonal2d
struct  Lamb
struct  LeastSquaresExtrapolation
struct  LeastSquaresPreconditioner
class  LGMRES
struct  Line
struct  LinearX
struct  LinearY
struct  LinearZ
struct  LN
class  Message
struct  MinMod
struct  minus_equals
struct  MOD
struct  ModifiedChebyshevPreconditioner
struct  MPI_Vector
struct  MPIDistMat
struct  MPIMatrixTag
struct  MPITag
struct  MPIVectorTag
struct  MultigridCG2d
struct  MultiMatrix
struct  MultistepTableau
struct  MultistepTimeloop
struct  NearestNeighborComm
struct  NestedGrids
struct  NoPolicyTag
class  NoRoot1d
struct  NotATensorTag
struct  OmpTag
struct  ONE
struct  OneDimensionalTag
class  Operator
struct  PairSum
class  PCG
struct  PLUS
struct  Plus
struct  plus_equals
struct  PointwiseDivide
struct  PointwiseDot
struct  Poisson
struct  PolynomialHeaviside
struct  PolynomialRectangle
struct  POSVALUE
struct  PsiPupil
struct  Pupil
struct  RealCartesianGrid2d
struct  RealCartesianGrid3d
struct  RealCartesianGridX2d
struct  RealCartesianGridX3d
struct  RealCartesianMPIGrid2d
struct  RealCartesianMPIGrid3d
struct  RealCartesianRefinedGrid2d
struct  RealCartesianRefinedGrid3d
struct  RealCartesianRefinedGridX2d
struct  RealCartesianRefinedGridX3d
struct  RealCylindricalGrid3d
struct  RealCylindricalMPIGrid3d
struct  RealEquidistRefinement
struct  RealEquidistXRefinement
struct  RealExponentialRefinement
struct  RealExponentialXRefinement
struct  RealFemRefinement
struct  RealGrid1d
struct  RealGrid2d
struct  RealGrid3d
struct  RealGridX1d
struct  RealGridX2d
struct  RealGridX3d
struct  RealIdentityRefinement
struct  RealIdentityXRefinement
struct  RealLinearRefinement
struct  RealMPIGrid2d
struct  RealMPIGrid3d
struct  RecursiveVectorTag
class  RefinedElliptic
struct  RowColDistMat
struct  Scal
struct  ScalarTag
struct  SelfMadeMatrixTag
struct  SerialTag
struct  SharedTag
struct  SharedVectorTag
struct  ShuOsher
struct  ShuOsherTableau
struct  Sign
struct  Simpsons
struct  SinglestepTimeloop
struct  SinProfX
struct  SinX
struct  SinXCosY
struct  SinXSinY
struct  SinY
struct  SlopeLimiter
struct  SlopeLimiterProduct
struct  SparseBlockMatrixTag
struct  SparseTensor
struct  SQRT
struct  Square
struct  StdMapTag
struct  Sum
struct  SurjectiveComm
struct  TanhProfX
struct  TensorDeterminant2d
struct  TensorDeterminant3d
struct  TensorDot2d
struct  TensorDot3d
struct  TensorMultiply2d
struct  TensorMultiply3d
struct  TensorTraits
struct  TensorTraits< CooSparseBlockMat< T > >
struct  TensorTraits< cusp::coo_matrix< I, V, M > >
struct  TensorTraits< cusp::csr_matrix< I, V, M > >
struct  TensorTraits< cusp::dia_matrix< I, V, M > >
struct  TensorTraits< cusp::ell_matrix< I, V, M > >
struct  TensorTraits< cusp::hyb_matrix< I, V, M > >
struct  TensorTraits< EllSparseBlockMat< T > >
struct  TensorTraits< mat::PolChargeN< G, M, V > >
struct  TensorTraits< MPI_Vector< container > >
struct  TensorTraits< MPIDistMat< L, C > >
struct  TensorTraits< RowColDistMat< LI, LO, C > >
struct  TensorTraits< std::array< T, N >, std::enable_if_t< !std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
struct  TensorTraits< std::array< T, N >, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
struct  TensorTraits< std::map< Key, T > >
struct  TensorTraits< std::vector< T >, std::enable_if_t< !std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
struct  TensorTraits< std::vector< T >, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
struct  TensorTraits< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value > >
struct  TensorTraits< thrust::device_vector< T > >
struct  TensorTraits< thrust::host_vector< T > >
struct  TensorTraits< View< ThrustVector > >
struct  ThreeDimensionalTag
struct  ThrustVectorTag
struct  Timer
struct  times_equals
struct  TopologyTraits
struct  TriDiagonal
struct  TripletSum
struct  TwoDimensionalTag
struct  Upwind
struct  UpwindProduct
struct  VanLeer
struct  View
struct  Vortex
struct  WallDistance
struct  ZERO


typedef EllSparseBlockMat< value_type > EllSparseBlockMatDevice
typedef CooSparseBlockMat< value_type > CooSparseBlockMatDevice
typedef typename TensorTraits< std::decay_t< Vector > >::value_type get_value_type
typedef typename TensorTraits< std::decay_t< Vector > >::tensor_category get_tensor_category
typedef typename TensorTraits< std::decay_t< Vector > >::execution_policy get_execution_policy
typedef thrust::host_vector< T > HVec_t
typedef thrust::host_vector< double > HVec
typedef thrust::host_vector< int > iHVec
typedef thrust::host_vector< float > fHVec
typedef thrust::device_vector< double > DVec
typedef thrust::device_vector< int > iDVec
typedef thrust::device_vector< float > fDVec
typedef EllSparseBlockMat< T > HMatrix_t
typedef EllSparseBlockMat< double > HMatrix
typedef EllSparseBlockMat< float > fHMatrix
typedef EllSparseBlockMatDevice< double > DMatrix
typedef EllSparseBlockMatDevice< float > fDMatrix
typedef cusp::csr_matrix< int, real_type, cusp::host_memory > IHMatrix_t
typedef cusp::csr_matrix< int, real_type, cusp::device_memory > IDMatrix_t
typedef IHMatrix_t< double > IHMatrix
typedef IDMatrix_t< double > IDMatrix
typedef dg::MPI_Vector< dg::HVec_t< T > > MHVec_t
typedef dg::MPI_Vector< dg::HVecMHVec
typedef dg::MPI_Vector< dg::fHVecfMHVec
typedef dg::MPI_Vector< dg::DVecMDVec
typedef dg::MPI_Vector< dg::fDVecfMDVec
typedef dg::NearestNeighborComm< dg::iHVec, thrust::host_vector< const T * >, thrust::host_vector< T > > NNCH
typedef dg::NearestNeighborComm< dg::iDVec, thrust::device_vector< const T * >, thrust::device_vector< T > > NNCD
typedef dg::NNCH< double > dNNCH
typedef dg::NNCH< float > fNNCH
typedef dg::NNCD< double > dNNCD
typedef dg::NNCD< float > fNNCD
typedef dg::CooSparseBlockMat< T > CooMat_t
typedef dg::CooSparseBlockMat< double > CooMat
typedef dg::CooSparseBlockMat< float > fCooMat
typedef dg::CooSparseBlockMatDevice< double > DCooMat
typedef dg::CooSparseBlockMatDevice< float > fDCooMat
typedef dg::RowColDistMat< dg::HMatrix_t< T >, dg::CooMat_t< T >, dg::NNCH< T > > MHMatrix_t
typedef dg::RowColDistMat< dg::HMatrix, dg::CooMat, dg::dNNCHMHMatrix
typedef dg::RowColDistMat< dg::fHMatrix, dg::fCooMat, dg::fNNCHfMHMatrix
typedef dg::RowColDistMat< dg::DMatrix, dg::DCooMat, dg::dNNCDMDMatrix
typedef dg::RowColDistMat< dg::fDMatrix, dg::fDCooMat, dg::fNNCDfMDMatrix
typedef MPIDistMat< IHMatrix_t< real_type >, GeneralComm< dg::iHVec, thrust::host_vector< real_type > > > MIHMatrix_t
typedef MPIDistMat< IDMatrix_t< real_type >, GeneralComm< dg::iDVec, thrust::device_vector< real_type > > > MIDMatrix_t
typedef MIHMatrix_t< double > MIHMatrix
typedef MIDMatrix_t< double > MIDMatrix
typedef dg::aRealGeometry2d< double > aGeometry2d
typedef dg::aRealGeometry3d< double > aGeometry3d
typedef dg::aRealProductGeometry3d< double > aProductGeometry3d
typedef dg::RealCartesianGrid2d< double > CartesianGrid2d
typedef dg::RealCartesianGrid3d< double > CartesianGrid3d
typedef dg::RealCylindricalGrid3d< double > CylindricalGrid3d
typedef dg::RealCartesianGridX2d< double > CartesianGridX2d
typedef dg::RealCartesianGridX3d< double > CartesianGridX3d
typedef dg::aRealGeometryX2d< double > aGeometryX2d
typedef dg::aRealGeometryX3d< double > aGeometryX3d
typedef dg::RealGrid1d< double > Grid1d
typedef dg::RealGrid2d< double > Grid2d
typedef dg::RealGrid3d< double > Grid3d
typedef dg::aRealTopology2d< double > aTopology2d
typedef dg::aRealTopology3d< double > aTopology3d
typedef dg::RealGridX1d< double > GridX1d
typedef dg::RealGridX2d< double > GridX2d
typedef dg::RealGridX3d< double > GridX3d
typedef dg::aRealTopologyX2d< double > aTopologyX2d
typedef dg::aRealTopologyX3d< double > aTopologyX3d
typedef dg::aRealMPIGeometry2d< double > aMPIGeometry2d
typedef dg::aRealMPIGeometry3d< double > aMPIGeometry3d
typedef dg::aRealProductMPIGeometry3d< double > aProductMPIGeometry3d
typedef dg::RealCartesianMPIGrid2d< double > CartesianMPIGrid2d
typedef dg::RealCartesianMPIGrid3d< double > CartesianMPIGrid3d
typedef dg::RealCylindricalMPIGrid3d< double > CylindricalMPIGrid3d
typedef dg::RealMPIGrid2d< double > MPIGrid2d
typedef dg::RealMPIGrid3d< double > MPIGrid3d
typedef dg::aRealMPITopology2d< double > aMPITopology2d
typedef dg::aRealMPITopology3d< double > aMPITopology3d
typedef dg::aRealRefinement1d< double > aRefinement1d
typedef dg::RealIdentityRefinement< double > IdentityRefinement
typedef dg::RealFemRefinement< double > FemRefinement
typedef dg::RealLinearRefinement< double > LinearRefinement
typedef dg::RealEquidistRefinement< double > EquidistRefinement
typedef dg::RealExponentialRefinement< double > ExponentialRefinement
typedef dg::RealCartesianRefinedGrid2d< double > CartesianRefinedGrid2d
typedef dg::RealCartesianRefinedGrid3d< double > CartesianRefinedGrid3d
typedef dg::aRealRefinementX2d< double > aRefinementX2d
typedef dg::RealIdentityXRefinement< double > IdentityXRefinement
typedef dg::RealEquidistXRefinement< double > EquidistXRefinement
typedef dg::RealExponentialXRefinement< double > ExponentialXRefinement
typedef dg::RealCartesianRefinedGridX2d< double > CartesianRefinedGridX2d
typedef dg::RealCartesianRefinedGridX3d< double > CartesianRefinedGridX3d
typedef std::conditional_t< std::is_const< MPIContainer >::value, MPI_Vector< View< const typename MPIContainer::container_type > >, MPI_Vector< View< typename MPIContainer::container_type > > > get_mpi_view_type
typedef AndersonAcceleration< ContainerType > FixedPointIteration
typedef Elliptic2d< Geometry, Matrix, Container > Elliptic
typedef GeneralHelmholtz< dg::Elliptic2d< Geometry, Matrix, Container >, Container > Helmholtz
typedef GeneralHelmholtz< dg::Elliptic1d< Geometry, Matrix, Container >, Container > Helmholtz1d
typedef GeneralHelmholtz< dg::Elliptic2d< Geometry, Matrix, Container >, Container > Helmholtz2d
typedef GeneralHelmholtz< dg::Elliptic3d< Geometry, Matrix, Container >, Container > Helmholtz3d
typedef ERKStep< ContainerType > RungeKutta
typedef FilteredERKStep< ContainerType > FilteredRungeKutta
typedef DIRKStep< ContainerType > ImplicitRungeKutta


enum  dist_type
enum  bc
enum  direction
enum  space
enum  coo2d { x , y }
enum  coo3d {
  x , y , z , xy ,
  yz , xz
enum  multistep_identifier
enum  to { exact , at_least }
enum  tableau_identifier


void transpose (unsigned nx, unsigned ny, const ContainerType &in, ContainerType &out)
void extend_line (unsigned nx, unsigned ny, const ContainerType &in, ContainerType &out)
void extend_column (unsigned nx, unsigned ny, const ContainerType &in, ContainerType &out)
auto asDenseMatrix (const std::vector< const ContainerType * > &in)
auto asDenseMatrix (const std::vector< const ContainerType * > &in, unsigned size)
std::vector< const ContainerType * > asPointers (const std::vector< ContainerType > &in)
static void abort_program (int code=-1)
static void mpi_init (int argc, char *argv[])
static void mpi_init2d (dg::bc bcx, dg::bc bcy, MPI_Comm &comm, std::istream &is=std::cin, bool verbose=true)
static void mpi_init2d (unsigned &n, unsigned &Nx, unsigned &Ny, MPI_Comm comm, std::istream &is=std::cin, bool verbose=true)
static void mpi_init2d (dg::bc bcx, dg::bc bcy, unsigned &n, unsigned &Nx, unsigned &Ny, MPI_Comm &comm, std::istream &is=std::cin, bool verbose=true)
static void mpi_init3d (dg::bc bcx, dg::bc bcy, dg::bc bcz, MPI_Comm &comm, std::istream &is=std::cin, bool verbose=true)
static void mpi_init3d (unsigned &n, unsigned &Nx, unsigned &Ny, unsigned &Nz, MPI_Comm comm, std::istream &is=std::cin, bool verbose=true)
static void mpi_init3d (dg::bc bcx, dg::bc bcy, dg::bc bcz, unsigned &n, unsigned &Nx, unsigned &Ny, unsigned &Nz, MPI_Comm &comm, std::istream &is=std::cin, bool verbose=true)
Matrix transpose (const Matrix &src)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > pullback (const Functor &f, const aRealGeometryX2d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > pullback (const Functor &f, const aRealGeometryX3d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > evaluate (UnaryOp f, const RealGrid1d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > evaluate (const BinaryOp &f, const aRealTopology2d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > evaluate (const TernaryOp &f, const aRealTopology3d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > integrate (const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &in, const RealGrid1d< real_type > &g, dg::direction dir=dg::forward)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > integrate (UnaryOp f, const RealGrid1d< real_type > &g, dg::direction dir=dg::forward)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > evaluate (UnaryOp f, const RealGridX1d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > evaluate (const BinaryOp &f, const aRealTopologyX2d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > evaluate (const TernaryOp &f, const aRealTopologyX3d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > forward_transform (const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &in, const aRealTopology2d< real_type > &g)
static DG_DEVICE double one (double x)
static DG_DEVICE double one (double x, double y)
static DG_DEVICE double one (double x, double y, double z)
static DG_DEVICE double zero (double x)
static DG_DEVICE double zero (double x, double y)
static DG_DEVICE double zero (double x, double y, double z)
static DG_DEVICE double cooX1d (double x)
static DG_DEVICE double cooX2d (double x, double y)
static DG_DEVICE double cooX3d (double x, double y, double z)
static DG_DEVICE double cooY2d (double x, double y)
static DG_DEVICE double cooY3d (double x, double y, double z)
static DG_DEVICE double cooZ3d (double x, double y, double z)
static DG_DEVICE double cooRZP2X (double R, double Z, double P)
static DG_DEVICE double cooRZP2Y (double R, double Z, double P)
static DG_DEVICE double cooRZP2Z (double R, double Z, double P)
static DG_DEVICE float one (float x)
static DG_DEVICE float one (float x, float y)
static DG_DEVICE float one (float x, float y, float z)
static DG_DEVICE float zero (float x)
static DG_DEVICE float zero (float x, float y)
static DG_DEVICE float zero (float x, float y, float z)
real_type interpolate (dg::space sp, const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &v, real_type x, const RealGrid1d< real_type > &g, dg::bc bcx=dg::NEU)
real_type interpolate (dg::space sp, const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &v, real_type x, real_type y, const aRealTopology2d< real_type > &g, dg::bc bcx=dg::NEU, dg::bc bcy=dg::NEU)
real_type interpolate (dg::space sp, const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &v, real_type x, real_type y, const aRealTopologyX2d< real_type > &g, dg::bc bcx=dg::NEU, dg::bc bcy=dg::NEU)
MPI_Vector< thrust::host_vector< real_type > > evaluate (const BinaryOp &f, const aRealMPITopology2d< real_type > &g)
MPI_Vector< thrust::host_vector< real_type > > evaluate (const TernaryOp &f, const aRealMPITopology3d< real_type > &g)
MPI_Vector< thrust::host_vector< real_type > > global2local (const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &global, const aRealMPITopology3d< real_type > &g)
MPI_Vector< thrust::host_vector< real_type > > global2local (const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &global, const aRealMPITopology2d< real_type > &g)
dg::MIHMatrix_t< real_type > convert (const dg::IHMatrix_t< real_type > &global, const ConversionPolicy &policy)
dg::IHMatrix_t< real_type > convertGlobal2LocalRows (const dg::IHMatrix_t< real_type > &global, const ConversionPolicy &policy)
void convertLocal2GlobalCols (dg::IHMatrix_t< real_type > &local, const ConversionPolicy &policy)
dg::Operator< T > invert (const dg::Operator< T > &in)
Operator< T > tensorproduct (const Operator< T > &op1, const Operator< T > &op2)
cusp::coo_matrix< int, T, cusp::host_memory > tensorproduct (unsigned N, const Operator< T > &op)
cusp::coo_matrix< int, T, cusp::host_memory > sandwich (const Operator< T > &left, const cusp::coo_matrix< int, T, cusp::host_memory > &m, const Operator< T > &right)
gcd (T a, T b)
lcm (T a, T b)
void split (SharedContainer &in, std::vector< View< SharedContainer > > &out, const aRealTopology3d< real_type > &grid)
std::vector< View< SharedContainer > > split (SharedContainer &in, const aRealTopology3d< real_type > &grid)
void assign3dfrom2d (const thrust::host_vector< real_type > &in2d, Container &out, const aRealTopology3d< real_type > &grid)
void split (MPIContainer &in, std::vector< get_mpi_view_type< MPIContainer > > &out, const aRealMPITopology3d< real_type > &grid)
std::vector< get_mpi_view_type< MPIContainer > > split (MPIContainer &in, const aRealMPITopology3d< real_type > &grid)
void assign3dfrom2d (const MPI_Vector< thrust::host_vector< real_type > > &in2d, MPI_Vector< LocalContainer > &out, const aRealMPITopology3d< real_type > &grid)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > pullback (const Functor &f, const aRealGeometry2d< real_type > &g)
thrust::host_vector< real_type > pullback (const Functor &f, const aRealGeometry3d< real_type > &g)
MPI_Vector< thrust::host_vector< real_type > > pullback (const Functor &f, const aRealMPIGeometry2d< real_type > &g)
MPI_Vector< thrust::host_vector< real_type > > pullback (const Functor &f, const aRealMPIGeometry3d< real_type > &g)
void pushForwardPerp (const Functor1 &vR, const Functor2 &vZ, container &vx, container &vy, const Geometry &g)
void pushForward (const Functor1 &vR, const Functor2 &vZ, const Functor3 &vPhi, container &vx, container &vy, container &vz, const Geometry &g)
void pushForwardPerp (const FunctorRR &chiRR, const FunctorRZ &chiRZ, const FunctorZZ &chiZZ, SparseTensor< container > &chi, const Geometry &g)
cusp::csr_matrix< int, T, cusp::host_memory > tensorproduct (const cusp::csr_matrix< int, T, cusp::host_memory > &lhs, const cusp::csr_matrix< int, T, cusp::host_memory > &rhs)
void assign (const from_ContainerType &from, ContainerType &to, Params &&... ps)
ContainerType construct (const from_ContainerType &from, Params &&... ps)
void apply (get_value_type< ContainerType1 > alpha, MatrixType &&M, const ContainerType1 &x, get_value_type< ContainerType1 > beta, ContainerType2 &y)
void apply (MatrixType &&M, const ContainerType1 &x, ContainerType2 &y)
static std::string bc2str (bc bcx)
static bc str2bc (std::string s)
static bc inverse (bc bound)
static direction str2direction (std::string s)
static std::string direction2str (enum direction dir)
static direction inverse (direction dir)
std::vector< double > least_squares (const std::vector< ContainerType0 > &bs, const ContainerType1 &b)
void nested_iterations (std::vector< MatrixType0 > &ops, ContainerType0 &x, const ContainerType1 &b, std::vector< MatrixType1 > &inverse_ops, NestedGrids &nested_grids)
void multigrid_cycle (std::vector< MatrixType0 > &ops, std::vector< MatrixType1 > &inverse_ops_down, std::vector< MatrixType2 > &inverse_ops_up, NestedGrids &nested_grids, unsigned gamma, unsigned p)
void full_multigrid (std::vector< MatrixType0 > &ops, ContainerType0 &x, const ContainerType1 &b, std::vector< MatrixType1 > &inverse_ops_down, std::vector< MatrixType2 > &inverse_ops_up, NestedGrids &nested_grids, unsigned gamma, unsigned mu)
void fmg_solve (std::vector< MatrixType0 > &ops, ContainerType0 &x, const ContainerType1 &b, std::vector< MatrixType1 > &inverse_ops_down, std::vector< MatrixType2 > &inverse_ops_up, NestedGrids &nested_grids, const ContainerType2 &weights, double eps, unsigned gamma)
int bisection1d (UnaryOp &op, double &x_min, double &x_max, const double eps)
static std::string to2str (enum to mode)
bool is_same (double x, double y, double eps=1e-15)
bool is_same (float x, float y, float eps=1e-6)
bool is_divisable (double a, double b, double eps=1e-15)
bool is_divisable (float a, float b, float eps=1e-6)
auto compose (UnaryOp f, Functor g)
auto compose (UnaryOp f0, Functors... fs)


static auto l2norm
static auto fast_l2norm
static auto i_control
static auto pi_control
static auto pid_control
static auto ex_control
static auto im_control
static auto imex_control

Detailed Description

Classes for Krylov space approximations of a Matrix-Vector product.

Classes for Matrix function-Vector product computation via the ODE method.

Classes for square root Matrix-Vector product computation via the Cauchy integral.